Career and Mindset Coaching and Advice

Welcome! Need career advice? A booster shot of motivation? (A good old-fashioned virtual kick in the bee-hind?)

If yes, you’re in the right spot. Take your shoes off at the door and c’mon in…the coffee’s on.

I’m here to help you step into YOUR success! With a gift of encouragement and a career and mindset coach by your side, you’ll have everything you need to make your dreams a reality.

I have tons of resources for you: 300+ free audio podcasts, weekly YouTube videos, blog posts packed with job search tips and career advice, and even random life hacks for wellness and healthy living. I also have a NEW podcast show specifically on the subject of career burnout that is out as of March 2023…check it out HERE.

Plus, I offer private one-to-one coaching for a limited number of clients, a book about career success, and a few online courses.

So come on in, get cozy, and have a listen. I’ve had dozens of expert guests (and a celebrity or two) on my podcast, and I’m sure you’ll find something to help you take the next step toward your goals.

Welcome aboard!

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