200 CBJ: Cultural Fit: Does It Matter?

How well would you fit into the culture of a company you are looking at applying to? Is cultural fit the big deal it used to be? How can you determine if you are compatible with the organization you are hoping to work for? Find out in this shorter episode of the show.

199 CBJ: Being Civil in an Uncivil World

Have you noticed? It seems more and more that there is incivility around…that people are behaving in uncivil and nasty ways. This can have a profound affect on workplace productivity and the well-being of both individuals and the organization itself. Find out what to do in this episode.

197 CBJ: 9 Easy Ways to Be More Likeable at Work

Why would it be critical to be likeable at work? What difference can it make if you can do the job? Apparently, a whole lot. Find out why and how you can increase your chances of being likeable in this episode.