Do you have a work presentation to make? Does this terrify or stress you out? Here are five key strategies to help your presentation be one they will remember.
216 CBJ: How Not to Take the Job if it Isn't Quite Right
Do you have that funny feeling that this job you are interviewing for isn’t quite right? Can’t put your finger on why? Have there been red flags you haven’t been paying attention to? Here are 8 signs or red flags warning that you might want to NOT take the job when it’s offered.
215 CBJ: Why Slowing Down Will Make You More Successful
It’s odd but true. Slowing down will make you more successful, faster! Find out how and why this is so in this short yet packed episode.
214 CBJ: Why Effective Listening is a "Must-Have" Career Skill
Of all the skills on your resume, this one might have the most benefit as far as your success goes. Find out what some of the main benefits are to developing the skill of active, effective listening, by listening to this episode!
213 CBJ: New Habits to Adopt for Success in 2019
We are WELL into 2019 now, but how are your plans coming for what will happen this year? In your career? In your job? In your life? Here are 9 habits to adopt to help you succeed in what is left of 2019, which is a lot.
212 CBJ: How to Get Motivated and DO Something (when you just don't want to)
Are you a procrastinator? Is it hard to get motivated and do that Thing…whatever it is….that you have been putting off and that is hanging over your head? Here are 7 tips to help you get it done.
211 CBJ: The Magic of Mentorship
Why having a mentor can help you succeed faster in your career, whether you are in a new job or new role. Find out how to find one and how to be a mentor too.
210 CBJ: 10 Ways to Stay Healthy at a Desk Job
Do you sit all day at work? Did you know that sitting is the new smoking? Find out how to stay healthy even if you have to sit a lot in your job in this podcast episode.