Do you have a job interview coming up?
Are you nervous? That’s good…that’s normal.
Interviews are NOT the best way to determine whether or not a candidate is going to be the perfect fit, but there doesn’t seem to be a better solution.
And so, the interview still exists.
Aside from preparing and practicing answers to the usual interview questions and doing your industry research and all the tips I’ve talked about in lots of my YouTube videos and on this website, which you can check out later, I have four of the simplest ways you can make the best of a job interview today….especially if you have no time left. Especially if the interview is tomorrow. Or later today.
1. Relax and be yourself.
Be authentically you. Be real. There is no one else who can be you, so be the best You you can be and be present and show up. I mean don’t be thinking about how you are doing or what the interviewer is wearing or whatever…be IN the moment… which is hard, but worth it.
2. Pause before answering a question if you really need to think.
Ask clarifying questions if you need to. There’s no rush! It’s ok to ponder something and to formulate an answer and to plan it out in your head before you rush into responding.
Ask yourself why they are asking the question in the first place, and answer from the heart.
3. Remember you are interviewing them too.
Check-in with your body as you go to see what your gut is telling you.
Do you really want to spend a good portion of your life in this place with these people …doing this?
Maybe the answer is “yes”. Great!
And maybe it’s “I’m not sure”…and maybe it’s a “hard no”.
Whatever the answer is, pay attention and listen to your gut because it’s often smarter than your brain is.
4. Consider it a practice run.
If you get partway through the interview and realize that this is a terrible opportunity…that these people are just weird…and you are saying to yourself, “I don’t want to spend my life here”….then consider it active practice and carry on.
Answer the questions as best you can and do what you would in any interview because it’s excellent practice for the next one.
No experience is a waste of time.
You will be smoother at answering the same kinds of questions the second and third time around and you might encounter something you want to do a little more prep for the next time.
It’s all good.
You can decline the offer later if it’s that bad…but use the time to practice, which is never a waste.
If you would like to watch this in video form, please do. I have added an extra little bonus tip at the end of the video too.
Thank you very much for being here, and let me know how YOUR next interview goes!
Jenn Swanson