job interview I have decided.

Never again am I going to jam myself into an uncomfortable piece of clothing, JUST to walk around all day at work (or worse, during a job interview),  feeling like something is off, or having to tug and pull and adjust what I’m wearing to wrangle it back into some semblance of what I imagined it would look like on my body, which doesn’t always play out in real life.

You should be able to FORGET about what you are wearing and focus on work!

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge thrift store shopper, and because of that, have felt the freedom to be able to play around with styles and looks because I am not spending hundreds or thousands of dollars doing it. I DO, however, purchase the occasional new piece, but I am very conscious about where that piece comes from, how it was made, how it will fit into my current wardrobe, and how long I will be able to wear it.

One of the fashion/style guides I follow (Alyssa Beltempo) teaches that everyone who is building a wardrobe should choose three words to describe their style, and to make sure everything fits to at least two of the words, if not all three.

I have recently adopted THREE words for my style profile, and these words are: Comfortable, Classic and Chic. (Yes, I like alliterative lists…it’s a thing.) You might choose different words, but these have helped me create a style that I feel confident in, and that allows me to forget about what I’m wearing and get on with the business (or fun) at hand.

Comfort is ESPECIALLY Key in a Job Interview.

A job interview is already a nerve-wracking experience, never mind when you are worried a button is going to be undone or something is twisted or too tight, and this is why it is key to plan your interview outfit BEFORE the day of the interview, in case something isn’t quite working. Try on the outfit you decide to wear, have someone else share their opinion, walk about in it for a while, sit down and stand up again…and make sure that what you have chosen looks good, FEELS great, and sends the right message, too.

Does your outfit look neat, clean, and is it well-fitting? Is it wrinkle-free and in good repair? Is what you have chosen a little notch up, a little dressier than what you might expect to wear on the actual job? These are key things to consider when choosing an outfit. You also don’t have to break the bank on pieces if you are on a tight budget. I have found amazing clothes at thrift stores to add to what I already have.

If you do want to purchase something new…consider this.

When I do buy a new item, it not only needs to fit into my three word criteria, but I also want to know that it’s as kind to the planet and to those making the items as possible. I also want the item to be a long-term part of my closet, meaning I shy away from fashion trends, and go instead for classic pieces that will last for a few years and that will mix and match with much of my wardrobe.

And so, I expect a LOT! My new garment must be comfortable, chic, classic AND sustainably-made AND made in ways that don’t subject those doing the sewing  to cruel or terrible conditions. I also really appreciate a company that gives back and that has a really transparent operation.

This one ticked ALL the boxes.

Enter my new favourite clothing company that also happens to be women-owned and women-run!

If you want to invest in some amazingly comfortable, classic, chic, sustainable, ethically-made right in Toronto pieces, then check out my NEW favourite company:  Miik.

Pre-plan your interview outfit and you’ll look and (more importantly) FEEL confident.

As with any part of a job interview, preparation is critical. Clothing is a form of communication, and so while it seems minor, it sends messages about you that might not even be aware of: organization, motivation, professionalism, confidence, respect, to name a few. AND, as said before, you want to be able to forget what you have on, and focus on what you are going to say during the interview.

So, it’s best not to skip over this important part of job interview preparation. For more about job interview prep, read this!

All the very best as you find your PERFECT job!



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